Childcare management system
Newnan FUMC Preschool & Kindergarten uses Procare so that parents can stay connected with their child’s classroom and in control of their payments to the school. Procare offers contactless registration, tuition collection via credit card or bank transfer, parent newsletters, classroom messaging, and more. We are excited about this addition to our preschool and classroom management. Looking for help in using the system? A selection of Parent Help Articles can be found online HERE.
New to ProCare? If you have received an email invitation from us, click HERE for directions on how to setup your account and download the app.
Invalid Code? Click – RESEND under the message and a new valid code will be sent to you.
Have more than one child enrolled? SWIPE on your child’s face to see the other children!
Procare Links
procare policies
Procare asks each family to keep a payment method on file with the preschool. Each month, when your statement is due, you will get a reminder from the system. You can choose to pay that statement with any payment method but if no payment has been made by the billing deadline, the payment method on file will be charged. We reserve the right to charge a $25 late fee if your payment method does not go through when the bill is due. Parents are responsible for updating their payment information on line.
procare card issues
If you have problems with your Procare payment, try the following options first: (1) From a computer, turn off AutoPay, delete your card, and add it again using these instructions – Update Payment Method; (2) Some cards (like FLEX cards) will not accept certain coded charges – you can find out if your card has this issue by calling your card issuer and asking if your card can process SIC Code 8351 for Child Day Care Services. If option 2 was your problem, please email the address below and tell me. Procare will have added you to a blocked list on their side and I need to get you off of that list before you try again. Still having issues with your Procare payment method? Email preschool@newnanfumc.org with the details of your error message from the screen. Screen shots are welcome! The more details you can give me, the more I can give them, and the faster we can figure out what went wrong.