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  • I have multiple children enrolling. Which one should I enroll first on registration day?
    It will not make a difference. You will be asked how many children you are registering for in total on each application and we will use the timestamp of the first child as the timestamp for the entire family. Our system treats them as if they were all entered at once.
  • When will we know if our March enrollment was successful?
    March enrollment is when 95% of our enrollment occurs. This process is not quick on our side because of all the priorities and steps in place. Church members receive priority registration, and they have until the end of their registration day to enroll, followed by currently enrolled families the next day, then the public. Please allow us a few days to notify you about the status of your enrollment. For currently enrolled families, you will be tagged for our next school year, your card on file will be charged the fees, and then we will send you an email. I say this to let you know that you will see your account changed step-by-step throughout the day and it takes quite a while to handle all 150 students. Please make sure your card on file is valid and working to not delay this process.
  • Should I make sure I register early? Is there usually a waitlist?
    Yes. Almost all our classrooms have a waitlist each year and some of our rooms fill up within the first minute of registration being open. That means that, even if your timestamp is 9:02 am, it doesn’t mean you aren’t on our waitlist. It is based on several factors including church membership, returning staff, and birth rates per year. Some years, we have a large number of 2’s and then the next year our 3’s will fill up fast. We cannot predict which classes will be filled first.
  • Can I request a specific teacher or student for my child to be with in a classroom?
    No. We place the children by registration and then by a lottery system to be fair to everyone.
  • What information do I need ready, on hand to register?
    All the questions you are asked on our initial form are basic demographic (address, phone), identification (name, birthdate), or classroom-related questions. You will need to pay the supply fee and registration fee if accepted but that will follow after we place you into a classroom. For currently enrolled families, please make sure the card we have on file for you is valid so that you can be enrolled.
  • Is there anything I need to know to make sure my enrollment is complete?
    Please double-check what you enter for the birthdate of your child. As unlikely as it seems, each year we receive applications with a parent’s birthdate, a sibling’s birthdate, or the current date. This means it will look as if your child is too young or old for the class you are requesting and may result in you having to resubmit or lose your spot in the queue because of an incorrect class request. Google forms sometimes are set to fill in information for you based on a field name, so CHECK THIS before you hit submit!
  • What if my child is not potty-trained and I need a 3-year-old class?
    EVERYONE entering a 3-year-old class must be potty trained. You can register and hold a spot until the child can attend. We cannot guarantee a future spot if you do not register.
  • I am registering for an unborn baby. Should I register now or after they are born?
    We cannot guarantee a future spot for anyone. If you know you want to attend and want to know you have a spot, register the child to hold that spot and pay tuition until they intend to come. We typically fill our baby room and cannot guarantee that there will be room after the child is born.
  • My child has a birthday after the September 1st cutoff. What happens if I enroll them in a class outside of the specified age restrictions?
    Unless you have spoken to the director and already received permission for a class outside of your child’s age range, your registration will be deleted, and you will have to resubmit an application. This is not a typical occurrence and is done in very specific situations so please make sure that you are allowed to do this before submitting.
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